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Multiple Birth Association for WA

2023 MBAWA Annual General Meeting

Mon, 19 Jun 2023
19:30 - 21:00

The AGM is an important event for our Association. It is a formal meeting which provides a chance for all members of our Association to come together and hear about what has been achieved in the past year and what our goals are for the coming year. We also present to you a financial report, detailing our income and expenditure for the previous year and our current financial position. During the meeting we will NOT be proposing any amendments to our Constitution.


To nominate a current member or committee member for a shining star award, complete the form HERE.


To nominate a life member, please email info@mbawa.org.au

All committee positions will be declared vacant at the AGM and we encourage new volunteers to join our management committee. 

Please click HERE to nominate for committee.

The benefits to taking on a committee role are many:

Meet new people and make new friends

Get more involved in the Association and have your say about the services we offer

Chance to learn new skills and improve your CV

Get out of the house and use your brain for something non-baby related

Give back to your Association and help new and expectant families

Save 50% on your MBAWA membership fees

Reduced childcare fees from government rebates

Please contact Jess at info@mbawa.org.au if you have any questions or want to know more.

Look forward to seeing you then!


7:30 pm
Housekeeping - Attendees & 2022 AGM Minutes
7:40 pm
Presidents Report
7:55 pm
Treasurers Report
8:05 pm
Election of Committee
8:20 pm
Shining Star Awards & Life Member Nominations
Ticket Type Price
Attending AGM $0.00 Sale Ended
King Edward Memorial Hospital
Subiaco WA 6008, Australia

Demountable, 12 Hensman Rd, Subiaco, Western Australia, 6008, Australia

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